
Monday, July 6, 2015

Group Travel: I will Survive!

Spending 4th of July in DC with friends

I love traveling with friends; the shared memories and stories are amazing. There is something about a shared experience that enhances the trip. But, if not properly planned ahead of time, then traveling with a group can ruin friendships. Try these tips for a great vacation with your friends.

Choose your travel companions carefully. I have a lot of friends I enjoy socializing with but I know we would not travel well together.  In fact traveling with them would probably ruin our friendship. Remember, you will be with these people a lot so be sure to communicate before, during and after the trip to reduce or eliminate those little annoyances that can turn into huge problems.  Travel is not the time to test a new friendship, make sure you have spent a lot of time with your companion and in a variety of scenarios.

Talk money early. Money is always a tough conversation to have, but it is vital to the success of your trip. Make sure everyone agrees on a budget and their desired level of luxury and comfort before you plan anything else.   It will save hurt feelings and misunderstandings.  Don’t forget to discuss communal expenses, like taxi fares, and the best way to handle them.

Dogsledding with friends in Mongolia
Decide on activities. Deciding on what activities to do as a group is one of the hardest things to do, even figuring out where and what to eat can cause hours of debate. So discuss and decide before hand what activities are a must. Remember you do not have to glue at the hip.  It is okay for people to do their own thing.

Talk early and talk often. Communication is key to saving hurt feelings. Don’t just brood, or play the martyr.  Talk things out early so that little things don’t become big things. Before you leave on your trip discuss wake up times, activities, dining preferences, etc. Remember your friends do not magically know what you are thinking so you need to tell them.

One too many activities in Switzerland!

Know yourself.  Know what your trigger points are. Think about what makes you grumpy and look for solutions.  Are you an early riser? Do you get grumpy when you’re hungry? Do you like your days planned out or prefer spontaneity?  If you have some absolutes that are non-negotiable then make them clear, before the trip starts.

Traveling with friends will give you stories to last a lifetime and the shared memories will cement a strong friendship. So choose your companions wisely and travel well.

The text of this article was originally published for As You Wish Travel Agency.

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